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Postcard - Pine, bamboo, and plum (Sho-chiku-bai)
Postcard - Pine, bamboo, and plum (Sho-chiku-bai)

Postcard - Pine, bamboo, and plum (Sho-chiku-bai)

Prix régulier €5.95 Solde

These symbols and decorations are used to usher in the New Year with positive energy and to invite good luck and happiness into homes and lives.

Pine, Bamboo, and Plum (Shochikubai): The combination of pine, bamboo, and plum represents longevity, strength, and purity, respectively. These plants are commonly used for decorations during New Year and other festive occasions.


Size 100×148mm

Material  Paper 100% (Card: Echizen Washi / Graphic parts: Awa Washi)

Handmade in Japan

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