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Home should be comfortable, towels should be soft and strong.

Tsubouchi Towel stripe trad series

Light and soft.

If you are used to European towels, you may feel unreliable when you touch the towels of Tsubouchi Towel.

Regardless of how it looks, it is as strong as a European towel. The towels absorb water and dry quickly, and the quality stays beautiful for a long time, even frequent use.

The soft texture of Tsubouchi towels is perfect for our current state of frequent handwashing, and it's organic. Good quality and honest production.

Doesn't it sound like the towel for "After Corona" time?

tsubouchi towel organic towels from Imabari factory

Simple yet tasty design of "Trad" towel series, bright colors and fun pattern "Kitchen" towel series. Both are designed to fit in with our living space.

Please explore about them and their towels!

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