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Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block
Paperable - Fruit Memo Block

Paperable - Fruit Memo Block

Prezzo di listino €7.00 In Offerta

Write your messages on a piece of fruit or fold a sheet in half to make a fruit slice! Just don't mistakingly take a bite out of one. They look so fresh and realistic with vivid coloring and irregular edges.

Variety Apple, Kiwi, Lemon, Melon, Orange, Pineapple, Watermelon

Size 80 x 80 x 12mm

Weight 53g

Amount 100 sheets

Material Paper

Made in Japan

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