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SIKIGU is a brand that specializes in paper tools. 

It is a new type of daily necessities created by thinking of paper as a tool fully integrated into our daily lives. Through Sikigu we rediscover the potential of paper to: communicate, store, and arrange. Sikigu aims to cultivate a culture born of paper and to connect creators with users.


TAISEI Co., Ltd., was founded under the name Taisei Shiki Seisakusho in 1919. They are a printing and paper container manufacturing company with over 100 years of printing and processing technology. Their business is centered around paper boxes, paper tubes, and their trusted network of paper specialists.
They derive their creativity from their home of Osaka where paperware is registered as the only regional industrial resource of Japan. Sikigu paper products aim to create new daily necessities with their abundant network of traditional, small-town factories, each with its own unique methods and techniques. 

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