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Tabi inspired items

Tabi are traditional Japanese socks worn with traditional Japanese sandals. Tabi socks present a split-toe and they are commonly white. They are worn by both men and women with traditional Japanese clothing, such as kimonos, in formal circumstances, like tea ceremonies.

Discover the Trend: Tabi Shoes and Socks

Since their debut by renowned brands, Tabi shoes have surged in popularity as a fashion statement. In Japan, Tabi socks and toe-separated socks are also reputed for their health benefits.

Introducing Tabito, a Japanese brand offering a range of Tabi-inspired sneakers, sandals, and socks. Experience the fusion of tradition and modern style with our unique designs.

Step into Comfort and Style: KYOTOTO Tabi Socks

Elevate your sock game with KYOTOTO's vibrant and quirky Tabi socks collection. From colorful patterns to playful designs, these socks not only add flair to your outfit but also promote foot health.

Browse our selection now and step up your fashion game with Tabi-inspired footwear and socks!

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