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Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)
Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)
Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)
Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)
Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)
Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)

Postcard - Japanese Ghost / Kasaobake (umbrella ghost)

Normaler Preis €6.50 Angebot

Kasa-obake are a mythical ghost or yōkai in Japanese folklore. They are sometimes, but not always, considered a tsukumogami that old umbrellas turn into.

They are generally umbrellas with one eye and jump around with one leg, but sometimes they have two arms or two eyes among other features, and they also sometimes are depicted to have a long tongue.

Brand Kyoto Karasuma Rokuhichido

Size 100×148mm

Material Paper 100% (Card: Echizen Washi / Graphic parts: Echizen Washi)

Handmade in Japan

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