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SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case
SEAMLESS glasses / pen case

SEAMLESS glasses / pen case

Normaler Preis €55.00 Angebot

Glasses / pen case with a simple structure assembled by folding one piece without sewing. As it is self-supporting in the open state, you can smoothly take out what you put inside. Uses 2mm thick faux leather developed to mimic the structure and texture of natural leather. A lightweight and durable material used for school bags, etc. It has cushioning properties like a felt and protects what is put inside. In addition, there is no problem even if it gets wet if it is water repellent and a little rain.

Brand i ro se

Material 100% polyurethane

Size height 6 × width 18 × depth 6 cm

Color black, natural

Made in Tokyo, Japan

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