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Embroidery patch ''Naratake Mushroom"
Embroidery patch ''Naratake Mushroom"
Embroidery patch ''Naratake Mushroom"

Embroidery patch ''Naratake Mushroom"

Normaler Preis €7.50 Angebot

Grows in clusters from spring to fall. May cause wood decay. Good edible but not raw. "Honey fungus" in the Tricholomataceae family. Mushroom series is inspired by an old "Illustrated Guide to Herbal Medicine" by Kanen Iwasaki from the Edo Period (1603-1867).


Material Embroidery thread: 100% Rayon, Glue Sheet: 100% Nylon
Made in Kyoto, Japan

This patch Stick-on and Iron-on too.


The patches can be ironed on cotton and polyester materials. UV thread is used for the white parts and is a heat-sensitive material. Use a damp cloth with low-ironing as threads may melt with hot-ironing. Machine-stitch is recommended to enhance strength.

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