A kind of taro, also known as Kyo taro. They are named ''Shrimp-shaped taro'' because their curved shapes and horizontal stripes look like those of shrimps. They are popular ingredients because they don't soften easily and thus can soak in a lot of flavor from sauces. Their sticky texture also makes them very popular. In Kyoto, it is often cooked with dried cod.
Brand KYO-TO-TO Size 2cmx3.5cm Material Embroidery thread: 100% Rayon, Glue Sheet: 100% Nylon Made in Kyoto, Japan
The patches can be ironed on cotton and polyester materials. Use a damp cloth under the iron when ironing, and be extra careful if you are ironing on heat-sensitive materials. Machine-stitching is recommended to enhance strength.
Commercial use of this product is strictly prohibited.