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Postcard - Bush-warbler on a plum branch
Postcard - Bush-warbler on a plum branch
Postcard - Bush-warbler on a plum branch
Postcard - Bush-warbler on a plum branch

Postcard - Bush-warbler on a plum branch

Normaler Preis €5.25 Angebot

Before the Nara period, it seems that Japanese people liked plums so much that when they thought of flowers, they thought of plums. Plum blossoms that make you feel the arrival of spring. A warbler with the nickname of the bird announces spring. Plum and bush warbler is a picture-perfect combination

for Japanese people

Haiku on seasonal postcards (see the third and fourth photos)

Een zachtgrijze glans
valt op de pruimenbloesem
Zilveren maanlicht
(created by Willemien 't Hooft)


Size 100×148mm

Material  Paper 100% (Card: Echizen Washi / Graphic parts: Mino Washi)

Handmade in Japan

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