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Chenille Patch / Fortune Cat Right Hand
Chenille Patch / Fortune Cat Right Hand
Chenille Patch / Fortune Cat Right Hand
Chenille Patch / Fortune Cat Right Hand
Chenille Patch / Fortune Cat Right Hand

Chenille Patch / Fortune Cat Right Hand

Normaler Preis €0.00 €20.00 Angebot

A slightly larger Chenille embroidered patch. A fortune cat raising its right hand is said to invite 'wealth' and 'luck'.

Collaborating Artist: Marucoro-chan is a Kanagawa Prefecture-based artist who creates three-dimensional artworks with clay, inspired by Japanese traditional motifs and cats.

Size / 7cm×9.5cm
Material / Thread:Acrylic100%, Fabric:Polyester100%
Made in Japan

Commercial use of this product is strictly prohibited.

How to iron on this patch
- To preserve the three-dimensional fluffy texture of the chenille embroidery, do not iron from the front side.
- The patches can be ironed on cotton and polyester materials, be careful of heat-sensitive materials.
- Take care of hot iron burns.

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