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Embroidery patch ''Hon Shimeji Mushroom"
Embroidery patch ''Hon Shimeji Mushroom"
Embroidery patch ''Hon Shimeji Mushroom"

Embroidery patch ''Hon Shimeji Mushroom"

Normaler Preis €7.50 Angebot

Grow in fall. Hard to cultivate. Excellent taste & flavor. Crisp texture. Edible. "Brown Clamshell mushrooms" in the Lyophyllaceae family. Mushroom series is inspired by an old "Illustrated Guide to Herbal Medicine" by Kanen Iwasaki from the Edo Period (1603-1867).


Material Embroidery thread: 100% Rayon, Glue Sheet: 100% Nylon
Made in Kyoto, Japan

This patch Stick-on and Iron-on too.


The patches can be ironed on cotton and polyester materials. UV thread is used for the white parts and is a heat-sensitive material. Use a damp cloth with low-ironing as threads may melt with hot-ironing. Machine-stitch is recommended to enhance strength.

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