A hand-dyed linen shirt that allows you to enjoy the beauty of colours, as the colours change over time and use. This notion of seeing beauty in the aging of colour can be said as one of the treasured characteristics of natural dyeing. Over time, the fabric will also become softer.
This shirt is made from thick, 100% linen fabric, sewn with cotton threads. A 3mm shell is used for the buttons giving a pleasant elegance.
There are also pockets on the sides.
Enjoy it as a long shirt, as a dress, or as a jacket with the buttons open.
MJ shop staff also love this shirt. This shirt is definitely a long-lasting item in your wardrobe.
Brand Takarajima Senkou
Color Black - A deep dark blue colour with a shade of black. This colour is created through layers of mud dyeing and indigo dyeing, which makes a rich, dark blue-black colour that can’t be achieved by any chemical dye.
Material Linnen 100% + natural indigo
Size Free
Weight 450 g
Made in Fukuoka, Japan

Left: new / right: after 5 years
The height of the male model is 177cm