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Patch / Dino - Futabasaurus
Patch / Dino - Futabasaurus
Patch / Dino - Futabasaurus
Patch / Dino - Futabasaurus

Patch / Dino - Futabasaurus

Normaler Preis €12.00 Angebot

A large Plesiosauria (aquatic reptiles) that lived in the waters near Japan about 85 million years ago. The total length is about 7 meters, It is said to be fish-eating (mainly squid). It was discovered by a high school student on the banks of a river in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture and became famous as Japan's first fossil of Plesiosauria.

Size 7cm × 6cm

Material Embroidery thread: 100% Rayon, Glue Sheet: 100% Nylon
Made in Kyoto, Japan

This patch Stick-on and Iron-on too.


The patches can be ironed on cotton and polyester materials. Use a damp cloth under the iron when ironing, and be extra careful if you are ironing on heat-sensitive materials. Machine-stitching is recommended to enhance strength. 

Commercial use of this product is strictly prohibited.

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