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In 1996, Ateliers PENELOPE started as a small studio in a room in an apartment. It is a brand that makes various beautifully shaped small bags, pen cases, aprons, and jackets using original domestic materials such as canvas that become more attractive with use. Their products are characterized by their beautiful shapes and timeless appeal.

At the shop and atelier in Meguro, Tokyo, the designer himself uses a sewing machine to make samples, and some of the products are still made here. As the brand grows, even products produced in other factories are made with the same attitude as at the time, sticking to domestic materials and sewing.

MONO SHOP would like to introduce Atelier PENELOPE to everyone as a brand of high-quality cotton bags that can be carried by adults instead of leather products.

Ateliers PENELOPE official website (Japanese)

Ateliers Penelope

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