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soil / Dispenser Tray
soil / Dispenser Tray
soil / Dispenser Tray
soil / Dispenser Tray
soil / Dispenser Tray

soil / Dispenser Tray

Prix régulier €60.50 Solde

Dispenser trays made of diatomaceous earth and gravel are treated with washout finish by plasterer technology and materials. Setting dispensers for hand soap and lotion on the tray keeps the washbasin neat and tidy.

brand: Soil

size: 8 x 24 x 1.5cm /  10 x 26.5 x 3.5cm (package)

color: white

weight: 350g / 500g (with package)

* Please do not use in a place where it is constantly exposed to water.

* Molds may grow depending on the usage environment such as extremely humid places.

* Do not soak it in water for a long time or leave it in a damp state, it becomes very fragile.

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