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Patch / Cats - Cats and Bats
Patch / Cats - Cats and Bats
Patch / Cats - Cats and Bats
Patch / Cats - Cats and Bats

Patch / Cats - Cats and Bats

Prix régulier €9.00 Solde

A cat wannabe a bat? but it actually looks like a hug me pose.

Collaboration with the Artist: Omori Tama. "Omori-Tama" is a Hokkaido-based artist who creates works using silk screens and mineral pigments. Modeled on real cats such as her own cat Tama.


Size2cm × 5cm

Material 100% Polyester (base), Acrylic 100%(embroidery thread)

Made in Japan

Attention Commercial use of this product is strictly prohibited.

How to iron on this patch
※The patches can be ironed on cotton and polyester materials, be careful of heat-sensitive materials.
※Take care of hot iron burns.

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