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Postcard - Snow rabbit under the nandina
Postcard - Snow rabbit under the nandina

Postcard - Snow rabbit under the nandina

Prix régulier €5.25 Solde

When the snow piles up, it’s time to create snow bunnies! After rolling and compacting the snow, use leaves from the nandina plant and bright red berries to give them expression. These palm-sized creations are a beloved winter activity that anyone can easily make.

The term "postcard" comes from "hashigaki," meaning "edge writing." Originally, it referred to written notes or memos on small pieces of paper. Our postcards from Rokushido are crafted from Echizen Washi and depict the vibrant seasonal landscapes of Japan using colorful washi paper.


Size 100×148mm

Material Paper 100% (Card: Echizen Washi / Graphic parts: Awa Washi)

Handmade in Japan

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