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Notebook A6 - Ginkgo and mushrooms
Notebook A6 - Ginkgo and mushrooms
Notebook A6 - Ginkgo and mushrooms

Notebook A6 - Ginkgo and mushrooms

Regular price €14.00 Sale

This notebook features a washi paper collage inspired by the natural beauty of Japan’s forests, capturing their quiet elegance and ever-changing seasons. Once you’ve filled the pages, the cover can be reused as a book cover for your favorite paperback.

Mushrooms and the Ginkgo

Mushrooms that thrive in damp environments can often be found at the base of trees or beneath fallen leaves. Some even push through the golden carpet of ginkgo leaves, revealing their hidden forms. These fungi play a vital role in the forest ecosystem, breaking down fallen leaves and returning nutrients to the earth.

Notebook Details

[Cover] Made with Mino Washi
[Collage] Made with Awa Washi
Size: 107×155mm, 120 pages (5mm grid) 
Handmade in Japan

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