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Art & Craft collection offers you items that are carefully selected by MONO SHOP with deep appreciation for Art, Craft and Design.

We are deeply committed to nurturing a sustainable lifestyle to show long-lasting, beautiful yet functional products that ground in the tradition of Japanese craftsmanship. We have a keen eye for the real, authentic Japanese aesthetic and products. Having lived in Europe for 20 years, we know what we can offer to the European audiences.

Traditional crafts have been passed on for generations throughout Japan, but many have disappeared due to industrialization and the change in our lifestyle. Recently, we are seeing the revival and longing for wabi-sabi aesthetics, which has spread throughout Europe and other places abroad. We see that people are becoming more conscious of choosing quality products and seeing value in objects made by artisans and craftsmen. A gallery that showcases beautiful products such as Utsuwa Shoken also supports in spreading the aesthetic and sense of Japanese craftsmanship.

MONO SHOP is the place to encounter Japanese manufacturers and craftsmen that are not yet discovered outside Japan. We work with small makers and independent craftsmen throughout Japan, young and established through our shop. We value their skills and are committed to support, contribute and carry on the traditional Japanese culture by introducing their authentic products to the world.

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