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Blog: AE HANDKERCHIEF, a weaving company of MONO JAPAN tea towel

Weaving machine_Ae Handkerchief

Introducing the weaving company, which produce our MONO JAPAN tea towel.
AE HANDKERCHIEF is a 150 years old company which has been solely engaged in the weaving industry for five generations. They produce their textiles with Banshu Ori (Banshu weaving) which is famous for its 200-year-old history of “yarn dyeing”; where yarns are dyed prior to the weaving process. By the particular order in which these coloured yarns are then woven into a fabric, a large variety of elaborate weaving patterns emerges. Despite its long history, the number of Banshu Ori makers is decreasing due to their ageing and the decline in production.
Still, if you search for cotton textiles which are made in Japan, most of them are made in Banshu. This area produces about 70% of cotton textiles in Japan. Banshu textile is the finest, it's suitable for fashion and home use.
Stripes and checks are characteristic patterns often used for characteristic fabrics in this region.
AE HANDKERCHIEF is known as one of the biggest handkerchief production company.
AE HANDKERCHIEF started the brand “orit.” to tackle this problem, positively passing on the Banshu Ori to future generations. "orit." has participated MONO JAPAN event every year since 2017.

ry year since 2017.


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