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Create your own masks with favorite textiles

In many Asian countries, wearing a face mask in public has been a cultural norm long before COVID-19. There are many Youtube video's available to learn how to make masks.

MJ webshop team created these masks for her parents with beautiful fabrics of Kurume Kasuri. 

This is using 'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / blur dots.

mask by 'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / blur dots

And this one is using 'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / ichimatsu check.

'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / ichimatsu check

For inside, she used Tenugui.

'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / ichimatsu check, inside

While creating the masks, appreciation of the textile is becoming bigger and she understood the reason why Shimogawa Orimono kept using 100 year's old industrial loom.

'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / blur dots

'Kurume Kasuri' ikat fabric / ichimatsu check

It's not hand woven, it's machine-made. Their old machine creates more space for the touch, the fabric gets softer and stronger with the old loom.

Their fabrics are not cheap, but with reasons. 

She had a great time sewing the masks for someone she cares about and feeling enriched by Kurume Kasuri fabrics.

*We watched this video, sorry it's Japanese only.

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