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i ro se

"i ro se" is one of our popular brands from Tokyo. They make leather bags, wallets and stationeries. The products from a series called “SEAMLESS”, are good representatives of this brand. The series consists of bags and wallets that are made out of a single sheet of leather. These sheets are folded up like origami to form the final product, there is not a single seam to be seen (hence the name of the series). So despite the simple look, the products of this brand have a well-thought-out structure.

Their items always have a minimalistic design, there are no buttons and zippers used. This minimalism gives the items a timeless charm, so users can enjoy their products for a very long time.


About the i ro se

The word “i ro se” means “brothers” in ancient Japanese used in Kojiki, the oldest extant chronicle of Japan. It is also regarded as the origin of the word “iro (color)”.

i ro se is a brand established by two brothers. When they were children, they often had fun making toys with junk in and around their house. Now, as two grown-ups, they made a platform called i ro se where they create products with the same playfulness they had in their childhood.

i ro se sets playfulness, the sense of discovery and the originality that manifests as a result of knowing who you are as its fundamental values and cherish impromptu works: their products are not pre-designed in their mind, but made with the spontaneous movements of their hands.


About the products

The representative product series “SEAMLESS” is made from one sheet of leather not sewed but folded up like origami into a bag or a wallet. Despite the simple look, it has a well-thought-out structure.

13 products

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