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Happy New Year Postcard - Medetai (lucky red snapper)
Happy New Year Postcard - Medetai (lucky red snapper)
Happy New Year Postcard - Medetai (lucky red snapper)

Happy New Year Postcard - Medetai (lucky red snapper)

Regular price €6.75 Sale

In Japan, various symbols represent good fortune and are used to celebrate the New Year. These symbols and decorations are used to usher in the New Year with positive energy and to invite good luck and happiness into homes and lives. 

Red snapper, known as "Tai" in Japanese, is considered a symbol of good luck and celebration in Japanese culture. The word "Tai" is a homophone for the word "medetai," which means auspicious or joyous. As a result, red snapper is often associated with festive occasions and is a popular dish during celebrations such as New Year's and other special events.

During the New Year's celebration, a traditional Japanese meal called "osechi-ryori" is prepared, and red snapper is a common ingredient in this elaborate and symbolic meal. The fish is believed to bring good fortune and happiness for the coming year.

In addition to its culinary significance, red snapper may also be featured in decorations, artwork, or other representations during celebratory occasions in Japan. Overall, red snapper holds positive connotations and is linked to the wish for happiness and prosperity.


Size 100×148mm

Material Paper 100% (Card: Echizen Washi / Graphic parts: Awa Washi)

Hand Made in Japan

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