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Postcard - Sushi - Salmon Roe (Ikura)
Postcard - Sushi - Salmon Roe (Ikura)
Postcard - Sushi - Salmon Roe (Ikura)

Postcard - Sushi - Salmon Roe (Ikura)

Regular price €5.25 Sale

The Salmon roe (Ikura) is often considered a festive and celebratory food in Japan. The vibrant and glistening orange-red eggs are associated with joy and abundance, making them a popular choice for special occasions and holidays. Ikura is commonly featured in traditional New Year's dishes, including sushi, sashimi, and various festive rice dishes. Its rich flavor and distinctive texture contribute to its popularity as a delicacy during celebratory events in Japanese cuisine.


Size 100×148mm

Material Paper 100% (Card: Echizen Washi / Graphic parts: Yatsuo Washi, Awa Washi)

Handmade in Japan

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