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How to Care Nakatsu Houki

Please hang on the wall or hook when not in use. The tip is delicate, so it would tend to twist if placed leaning against the wall. Direct sunlight may change the color of material. However, there is no problem with the quality. Best placed in the shade in an airy place.

A broom is a cleaning tool, so it is normal that it gets dirty. If you want to clean your broom, you can rinse it in cold or lukewarm water. This is a natural product so leaving the broom in a wet environment for a long time can cause mold and bad condition. Shake water off from the broom and dry in an airy place after washing. We do not recommend using detergent to clean the broom.

If you use the broom intensively, the tips may get curled gradually even with good care. The curl would be fixed naturally when hanged. You can also try to pinch it and bend with your finger. For big curls, wet the broom tip first and put it between the newspaper, put a weight on it and dry.

The tips will naturally wear out and become shorter as you use them. If the tips are uneven and difficult to use, use scissors to shape them to your liking. The shorter the tip, the harder it becomes. Use the broom indoors first and when it wears out and becomes shorter, use it for outdoor cleaning. That is the traditional way of using hand brooms. In this way you can use it for a long time.


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